Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Play Simpsons Hot And Run Online

A good news..

I'll start by giving you Some Good News! .. Yesterday i found out that i passed my exam Inglese!
Yehhhh .. you can not imagine how happy i am! .. If the Think That I Did not Want to sit it! .. I have to thank my Inglese teacher who insisted that i HAD do it! .. I know something else that's done!

going quickly with the news! ... Yesterday I knew she'd passed my English exam!!
Yehhhhh .. you can not understand what happiness! .. And to think that I would not even try it! .. Good thing my English teacher insisted that at least I tried .. and so it went .. This was done so well!; O)

Yesterday Was a very busy day, Between work and home I Did not Have Enough Time to do all the things that i wanted to do. Like answering your mail ..
I promise to do it as soon as i can! .. i have to Organized my new life .. But Sometimes It's like i have not got the energy!
How do you do it even mums taking care of your children? .. i have a really big Admiration for you all .. and my sister is the first on the list!

Yesterday was a busy day between work and home and have not had time to do almost nothing of what I had in the program, including responding to some of your mail .. but I promise that I will soon as possible! .. I I have to organize .. I do not do!
But how do you even mothers who have children to look after? .. I really have my admiration .. my sister in the first place!

Today I'd like to share with you bedroom Some pics that i find really incredible!
What do you think? .. Do they more or less Reflect your style?

Today I will share with you some pictures of bedrooms, which I find really amazing!
What do you think? .. approach a little al vostro stile??


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