Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can I Get The Phone Number Of Alexis Texas

Big News!

Ok girls we are! I can finally reveal the long-awaited news!
This will be our last month in London! tatàààà!
Well yes .. and already I miss it!
Mark has received an offer very interesting work by a major American company and we have decided to accept!
quiet But we will not go overseas .. remain in the UK and more specifically, we move to Bournemouth, a charming town on the south coast, where Mark was born and where his parents live!
Li finally be able to regain a more normal life .. although the exceptional London's no doubt I will miss him!
But in all this there is a "BUT '.."
And my fantastic new job? ..
When I talked to my head that I had left London dispiaciutissima so we plan to continue working even if remotely, to come to London once every 10 days to fill material and continue to work from Bournemouth! I think it's a good solution ..! What do you think?
also will be a good excuse to return to London and continue to see my friends!
Just a year ago started planning to go to London and accurately one year after another major new change! .. Life is really full of surprises!
I will keep you updated on news!

Today I was in boutiques and through the beautiful day is also a lot of people coming to shop!
I came home really satisfied!; O)

Can I Get The Phone Number Of Alexis Texas

Big News!

Ok girls we are! I can finally reveal the long-awaited news!
This will be our last month in London! tatàààà!
Well yes .. and already I miss it!
Mark has received an offer very interesting work by a major American company and we have decided to accept!
quiet But we will not go overseas .. remain in the UK and more specifically, we move to Bournemouth, a charming town on the south coast, where Mark was born and where his parents live!
Li finally be able to regain a more normal life .. although the exceptional London's no doubt I will miss him!
But in all this there is a "BUT '.."
And my fantastic new job? ..
When I talked to my head that I had left London dispiaciutissima so we plan to continue working even if remotely, to come to London once every 10 days to fill material and continue to work from Bournemouth! I think it's a good solution ..! What do you think?
also will be a good excuse to return to London and continue to see my friends!
Just a year ago started planning to go to London and accurately one year after another major new change! .. Life is really full of surprises!
I will keep you updated on news!

Today I was in boutiques and through the beautiful day is also a lot of people coming to shop!
I came home really satisfied!; O)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Extraction Forceps Names

The songs for Sunday Lenten Pilgrimage

the evening hymn Italian, MDF wrote in Piazza San Marco and the first evidence for review, here are the songs chosen for Sunday (11.30 to church !!!):

Admission: If I take the wings

Praise and glory to you
Offertory: The love of the Holy Father
: Re Sol

Communion: Jesus, remember me
Blessing: Send the fire
Finale: The Emmanuel

Ap Lab Manual Lab Answers

Sunday if re-baila ...

After nearly a month, see you Sunday at 20.30 in San Francisco for our salsa. Do not miss it! ;)

write in this post if you are there or not

Extraction Forceps Names

The songs for Sunday Lenten Pilgrimage

the evening hymn Italian, MDF wrote in Piazza San Marco and the first evidence for review, here are the songs chosen for Sunday (11.30 to church !!!):

Admission: If I take the wings

Praise and glory to you
Offertory: The love of the Holy Father
: Re Sol

Communion: Jesus, remember me
Blessing: Send the fire
Finale: The Emmanuel

Ap Lab Manual Lab Answers

Sunday if re-baila ...

After nearly a month, see you Sunday at 20.30 in San Francisco for our salsa. Do not miss it! ;)

write in this post if you are there or not

Starting Time Of Midnight Hot


Here I am! The answer that came as expected .. and more than one response was a proposal ... But really I ask you to forgive me if I can still to be more comprehensive than this ..! I will be in the coming days .. promised promised!

Yesterday was my second day on Tuesday also boutiques alone and everything went pretty well!
I'm working like crazy from morning to evening, from Monday to Sunday to put an entirely new collection online and to date 80% is already available!
fact if you want to look you will find a lot of things really tasty ..
Today, fortunately, I only 4 hours from my intern after which I will be off until Saturday .. day where I will work again in boutique!
Last night before closing time has passed an Italian girl, a stylist interested in a work by Fifi. We talked quite a bit and I for the first time the other side .. I felt strange and lucky for what I found with my own strength and with a little luck!
Two weeks since I stopped a moment, I worked again but the truth is that when you do a job you like you'll never tire of it .. despite the sore feet!

Today is also the anniversary of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and I am sorry not to be "home" to celebrate but I'm close with my heart .. always proud to be Italian .. in spite of everything!
And you do this long weekend?
Now run away and leave you with pictures of this beautiful apartment .. modern but stylish!

Starting Time Of Midnight Hot


Here I am! The answer that came as expected .. and more than one response was a proposal ... But really I ask you to forgive me if I can still to be more comprehensive than this ..! I will be in the coming days .. promised promised!

Yesterday was my second day on Tuesday also boutiques alone and everything went pretty well!
I'm working like crazy from morning to evening, from Monday to Sunday to put an entirely new collection online and to date 80% is already available!
fact if you want to look you will find a lot of things really tasty ..
Today, fortunately, I only 4 hours from my intern after which I will be off until Saturday .. day where I will work again in boutique!
Last night before closing time has passed an Italian girl, a stylist interested in a work by Fifi. We talked quite a bit and I for the first time the other side .. I felt strange and lucky for what I found with my own strength and with a little luck!
Two weeks since I stopped a moment, I worked again but the truth is that when you do a job you like you'll never tire of it .. despite the sore feet!

Today is also the anniversary of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and I am sorry not to be "home" to celebrate but I'm close with my heart .. always proud to be Italian .. in spite of everything!
And you do this long weekend?
Now run away and leave you with pictures of this beautiful apartment .. modern but stylish!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Descargar Starla- The Jewel Riders

The photo session..

do not know why but lately I can not just find the time to write blog and you can not even imagine how sorry I am!
were super intense days of work! Saturday I made my first experience as a saleswoman in a boutique and it was beautiful because I love the boutique Fifi, the area, people passing, and feel the great responsibility of having to manage everything by myself because I was the only Shop!
And luckily everything went great! .. I also made some substantial sales which do not taste!
Yesterday, was the day of the shoot! After weeks of preparation, description, codification, etc. .. etc. .. we finally have captured more than 100 households within that week will be online on the site! .. In fact I suggest you take a look because there are really wonderful pieces ..!

Descargar Starla- The Jewel Riders

The photo session..

do not know why but lately I can not just find the time to write blog and you can not even imagine how sorry I am!
were super intense days of work! Saturday I made my first experience as a saleswoman in a boutique and it was beautiful because I love the boutique Fifi, the area, people passing, and feel the great responsibility of having to manage everything by myself because I was the only Shop!
And luckily everything went great! .. I also made some substantial sales which do not taste!
Yesterday, was the day of the shoot! After weeks of preparation, description, codification, etc. .. etc. .. we finally have captured more than 100 households within that week will be online on the site! .. In fact I suggest you take a look because there are really wonderful pieces ..!